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Stonehenge Trip

Year 3 pupils enjoyed a great trip to Stonehenge on Thursday 9th November.

As part of our history topic on the Stone Age, we visited Stonehenge. Pupils were able to wander around a neolithic village and see a replica Sarsen stone up close and even try to move it along wooden rollers! This was impossible, it would take over 100 people to make it move even a millimetre.

The exhibition showed us artefacts that have been discovered at the site, including lots of animal bones and flints. There was a skeleton of a man and tests have shown that he came from near Austria to live and work at Stonehenge.

The weather held out, especially as we got to walk around this ancient stone monument, giving us plenty of opportunity to sketch the stones.

A great day of learning and enjoyment, topped off by a smooth journey home, we got back to school earlier than expected.